From the president;
We are pleased to invite you to participate in the latest International Conference to be organized by Vectors and Vector-Borne Diseases Implementation and Research Center of Erciyes University in Kayseri, Turkey, on April 27, 2015.
Several scientific activities have been organized by our center in accordance to the missions of ERU Vectors and Vector Borne Diseases Implementation and Research Center. In this scope the international conference titled with “Impact of Environmental Changes on Population Dynamics of Insect Pests and Vector-Borne Diseases ” have been organized by our Center. The main objective of the conference is to establish a platform for sharing and describing the current scientific knowledge in the related topic to the interested participants from the related institutions, academicians and also our university students by the excellent experts in this area. The meeting especially focused on some topics such as the impact of environmental changes on insect pests especially simuliid species which is one of the most threateaning insects for human and animals’ health, and aquatic ecosystem.
One behalf of organizing committee, I would like to express my gratitude to the rector of Erciyes University Prof. Dr. H. Fahrettin KELESTEMUR for giving us opportunity to arrange this international conference and unlimited supports; to invited speakers, Prof. Dr. Peter H. ADLER, Prof. Dr. Gediminas VALKUINAS, Dr. Elmer W. GRAY, Prof. Dr. Alparslan YILDIRIM, Prof. Dr. Erdal YILMAZ and Expert Ahmet DEMIRCIOGLU, DVM for their excellent scientific contributions and to participants and also to my colleagues in secreteriat for their very high efforts.
Prof. Dr. Abdullah INCI
Director of ERVEC